About CRON
About CRON

Develop with technology, survive with quality, and always strive for progress.

Honorary status

● Printing Craft Incubator ● Manufacturer of Single-Item Champions  ● Zhejiang Province Hidden Champion Enterprise ● Zhejiang Export Famous Brand

● Higher Education Practice Base


As a leading pre-press plate-making enterprise, CRON is designated by the China Printing and Equipment Industry Association as a CTP training base. It's also officially recognized by national authorities for CTP capabilities, having completed vocational skill assessments for maintenance workers and technicians. CRON has led the formulation of two national standards, two industry standards, and one Zhejiang manufacturing standard, filling several technological gaps. It has been recognized as a national high-tech enterprise and a provincial-level high-tech enterprise research and development center, and established a provincial-level enterprise research institute.
